What We Do

WA Aged Care Financial Solutions has years of experience in this specialised area, quite unlike others.

Whether receiving Home Care or living in an Aged Care facility, our advice to a client provides clear definition of the situation and options, and peace of mind so that:

  • Accommodation payments may be made comfortably
  • Government pensions and other entitlements are maximised
  • Aged Care and Home Care fees and charges are minimised
  • There is sufficient regular income to pay all fees and provide adequate spending money
  • Invested funds are secure

Our advice provides full explanation of Aged Care fees and charges as well as the implications for ongoing entitlements from Centrelink or DVA, including scenarios which illustrate the financial consequences of retaining, renting, or selling the family home.

WA Aged Care Financial Solutions delivers:

  • Support and understanding from experts in Aged Care financial matters
  • Peace of mind through a specialised financial plan for Aged Care complete with recommendations for the best possible financial solution
  • Advice on secure investments and estate planning needs such as Wills and Powers of Attorney & Guardianship
  • Implementation of your financial plan
  • Ongoing assistance dealing with Government and other institutions

WA Aged Care Financial Solutions will deliver you peace of mind.

Finding an Aged Care facility that meets your needs and has accommodation available is no easy task. In this emotional time for a family, crucial financial decisions must be considered.

  • Will the family home have to be sold or are there other options?
  • Will the Centrelink or DVA pension be lost?
  • What are the Aged Care fees and how will they be paid?
  • Will there be enough money to afford long term care?
  • Will there be enough spending money?

The financial implications of Aged Care or Home Care are complex, with relevant facts and figures changing regularly throughout each year. Unfortunately, seemingly simple financial decisions taken in haste can have long term detrimental financial implications.

Why Choose Us?

We are privately owned with no ownership links with any financial institution or product provider, or affiliation with any Aged Care provider. We therefore provide advice that is perfectly tailored to your unique situation, and pride ourselves in our personal approach.

Your WA Aged Care Financial Solutions adviser is wholly responsible for the development and implementation of your plan, and remains your primary point of contact at all times.

"The Federal Government has in place provisions for people who are financially disadvantaged, while those who are not, understanding the rules and seeking specialist advice from a financial planner to minimise costs is recommended."
(DPS Guide to Aged Care 2010)

  • Experience

    WA Aged Care Financial Services has been helping its clients for years.

  • Ongoing Support

    We are on hand to provide support and assistance where necessary.

  • Knowledge

    Experienced advisers specialising in Aged Care.

Contact Us

Delivering peace of mind for you and your family!